The Archives of The Lazy Duo

The Main Plot:

Episode #1: Introductions and Lunch
Episode #2: Strange Things are Happening
Episode #3: Introducing the Nameless One
Episode #4: Teleportation Goes Pop?
Episode #5: Too Cute
Episode #6: Hateful Inventory
Episode #7: The Thoughts of a Genious (Madman) (Guest Comic by Diven)
Episode #8: Crisp Effects
Episode #9: New Old Home
Episode #10: RAoV
Episode #11: Pain, Pain, and More Pain
Episode #12: My CousAAARRGGG
Episode #13: The Fun Stuff
Episode #14: Explanation
Episode #15: Memories of an Insane Mind
Episode #16: GB Talk Part 1
Episode #17: GB Talk Part 2
Episode #18: Poke the Kitty
Episode #19: DP Withdrawels
Episode #20: Irreversible Transformation
Episode #21: Flashback 1
Episode #22: Flashback 2
Episode #23: Application Intermission
Episode #24: Stupidity = Bad
Episode #25: Gravity Gun Fun
Episode #26: "GET HIM OUT, GET HIM OUT!"
Episode #27: Lolerskates and Roflcakes
Episode #28: Lost Voice
Episode #29: Happy B-Day
Episode #30: Ruby Beam
Episode #31: I Nameless Part 1
Episode #32: I Nameless Part 2
Episode #33: I Nameless Part 3
Episode #34: Showering Shens
Episode #35: I Nameless Part 4
Episode #36: I Nameless Part 5
Episode #37: I Nameless Part 6
Episode #38: I Nameless Part 7
Episode #39: I Nameless Part 8
Episode #40: I Nameless Part 9
Episode #41: I Nameless Aftermath 1

Sonic Side Story:

~~Coming Soon~~


Filler #1: X-Mas Time at the Dock
Filler #2: King What?
Filler #3: Episode of LIES~!
Filler #4: Return of the GSS

Lazy Duo,Balist, Diven, and the Balist and Diven Sprites are copywrite Arthur Clifton 2004
Nameless One and Morte are copywrite 1999 of Interplay Entertainment Corp.
Other copywrites include or will include Nintendo, Sega, Square-Enix,Capcom, and plenty of others.
You can E-Mail any and all questions and or comments to

The Lazy Duo is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.