Balist Age: 19 This is Balist he is the author of this webcomic (i.e. me). He is generaly lazy and layed back, struggleing to get comics out on time. However his cat form makes him hyper and sometimes a compleate nucence. His human form is easyer to get along with and also has an evil side but it is rare that he ever lets that side come out, but when it does come out there is only one thing to do, RUN, and even then thats sometimes not enought. |
Diven Age:18 While he is extreamly lazy he is very intelligent and logical, but can be quiet cyncial especially when it comes to the human race in general. His alter ego, Death's Shadow, is summoned when there is a good amount of stupidity in his vesinity, Death's Shadow will stop at nothing to destroy whatever is causing the stupidity with eather his flameing black sword or his black fireballs. |
Kelly the Ruby Hedgehog Age:16 Kelly can be very sweet and kind, however in her human form she does have some punk tendanceys. In her animal form she is always happy and very energetic, almost more than the guys can handle, even thought she is related to Balist. She loves annoying Balist the most by eather suprising him or pokeing him alot. |
Morte Age: Unknowen Morte is the Nameless's traveling companion he clames that he is a Mimear, Living Encyclopidia, but he is actually from the Piller of Skulls in the demon plane of Baator. Apparently when Morte was alive he had caused the death of the Nameless once and when he died he was sent to the Piller and one of the Nameless's previous incarnations ripped Morte from the Piller because Morte claimed he knew of what the Nameless One was looking for, and Morte has been with him ever sence. |
The Nameless One Age: Unknowen The Nameless One is nameless because he has lost his memory along with his mortality. Almost every time he is killed he loses his memory if he has managed to keep a journal of what he has done then he will gain bits of his memory back. Unfoutunetly for him being immortal he is the object of many a violent act. Such as Diven's RAoV (or Random Act of Violence) to releave his stress over whatever is frustrating him at the moment. |
Lazy Duo,Balist, Diven,
and the Balist and Diven Sprites are copywrite Arthur Clifton 2004
Nameless One and Morte are copywrite 1999 of Interplay Entertainment Corp.
Other copywrites include or will include Nintendo, Sega, Square-Enix,Capcom,
and plenty of others.
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